luni, 25 mai 2009


Nu stiu ce iti vine tie in minte cand te gandesti la ziua de 1 iunie, dar… te invit sa-ti iei putin timp, si chiar sa-ti pui intrebarea asta: “Ce as face de 1 Iunie, daca as fi din nou copil?”, “De-a ce m-as juca?”, “Ce as vrea sa re-traiesc?”, “Daca ai putea fi copil din nou, acum, pentru cateva ore, ce ai vrea sa faci - ce ti-ar placea sa faci, daca orice ar fi posibil?” …

Si dupa ce ai niste raspunsuri, fa-ti liber in program pentru luni spre seara. Dupa programul de munca, pe la 17.30, te invitam sa te joci cu noi, sa-ti iei cateva ore in care sa fii din nou copil. Vom face un teren de joaca pentru tine. Noi vom aduce tot ce ne-a fost noua drag sa ne jucam, si ti le vom pune la dispozitie..., dar daca iti mai vine in minte ceva, adu cu tine! Si arata-ne si noua, ca suntem foarte deschisi sa ne jucam... de-a orice!

Tot ce ne dorim, este sa retraim senzatia aia de BUCURIE si LIBERTATE pe care o simteam atunci cand eram copii. Sa ne jucam fara sa ne pese de ce gandesc ceilalti, sa ne jucam doar pentru ca vrem, sa visam... sa indraznim sa nu mai fim cinici... cel putin pentru cateva ore...

Asa ca luni, 1 iunie, am creat O ZI PENTRU COPILUL DIN TINE!!! Si te asteptam! Poti invita pe cine vrei, poti veni direct de la munca, poti sa-ti aduci propriile jocuri/jucarii, poti sa te imbraci colorat, poti sa faci ce vrei... noi iti oferim doar spatiul – si alti eventuali parteneri de joaca.

Te invitam sa lasi deoparte toate gandurile de adult. Te invitam sa te mai uiti o data la cum era cand erai copil, si sa vii traind asta! Cel putin pentru cateva ore.

Locatia este terasa cafenelei Starbucks in Iulius Mall – vom primi cafea, ceai, ciocolata calda, frappuccino, si minunatele prajituri/sandwich-uri cu reducere de copii (in intervalul orar 17.30-20.00 – toata lumea va avea 30% reducere). In plus, cand vii sa-ti iei cafeaua/prajitura, la casa te asteapta o surpriza special pentru tine!

Incepand cu ora 20.00, inauntru in cafenea, Liviu Bocaniala ne va canta la chitara... – un mini concert - premiu pentru toti copii cuminti care au venit si s-au jucat, sau cel putin, si-au permis sa mai fie copii

Vino luni seara sa te joci cu noi. Vom avea pentru tine:

creioane colorate pentru desen; plastilina; acuarele; elastic ; coarda; mingi; palete; carti de joc; “Nu te supara frate”; Monopoly; Activity; Catan si alte jocuri de societate; baloane cu apa langa lac (daca ne permite vremea); de-ascunse-le-a; carti de colorat; lego; papusi si materiale pentru haine (daca iti aduci papusa preferata); “Tara! Tara! Vrem ostasi!”; sotron; “tari, orase, ape, munti”; pitz; creta colorata; concursuri cu masinute (sa vii cu masinuta castigatoare!); batai cu robotzei; “matza”... si orice iti mai vine in minte!!

Pregateste-te de dimineata - se va da strigarea "copilul din tine e gata sa se joace?" J

Si nu uita: POTI SA PRIMESTI CE VREI DE ZIUA TA! – inclusiv ocazia de a visa din nou...

Vino luni, 1 Iunie 2009, ora 17.30 pe terasa Starbucks Iulius Mall – sa fii din nou copil!!!

Si daca mai cunosti oameni care s-ar bucura cu noi, invita-i si pe ei. Toata lumea e asteptata cu drag!!!

For everyone who doesn’t speak Romanian:

The 1st of June is the national day for CHILDREN! And we have an invitation for all of you, to access the kid inside, and let it be a kid again, even is only for a few hours. On the 1st of June, on the Starbucks Coffee terrace, in Iulius Mall, starting at 5.30 PM, we are creating a play-ground for everyone who wants to play… J. We will wait for you will all kinds of traditional games from when we were small, and we invite you to bring your own toys/games and play with us! We actually dare you to BE as you were when you were a child! Easy, happy, without cynicism… just being there… and enjoying!

Between 5.30 PM and 8.00 PM, everyone will have a 30% discount at all Starbucks products (coffee, tea, hot chocolate, frappuccino, all the delicious cakes and sandwiches). And when you will come at the cash register, we will wait for you with a surprise…J

Starting 8.00 PM, inside Starbucks, Liviu Bocaniala, a friend of the coffee house and of ours, will play his guitar for all the “children” who came to play with us.

We are waiting for you on the 1st of June in the evening – to be a kid again! Remember – you can get anything you want – even the opportunity to dream again!

And if you know other people who might enjoy this opportunity, let them know. Everyone is welcomed!

am citit astzi un articol scris de o prietena in care relateaza acelasi vis. e foarte frumos cum universul ii aduna pe toti cei care rezoneaza...

bucurati-va de cum e transmis mesajul Deliei
si Sarbatoreste copilul din tine!

duminică, 17 mai 2009

Free Hugs

I had the amazing opportunity to be part of a free hugs campaign - created spontaneously out of a conversation... a project that required pretty much no resources or preparation, but had a huge impact...
how is it to give something back...
you have no idea how many people going pass by you on the street need to be hugged, need to feel that somebody cares, need to get a warm gesture, even if from a stranger...
and the gesture generates it's own energy, and people find themselves giving back...
paying it forward...

here is a movie of our adventure:

if you see something for yourself, on May 20th, 2009 - in 111 cities, we will be free hugging people on the streets.
join us! click for more details: Free Hugs

joi, 14 mai 2009

If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.

miercuri, 13 mai 2009

and in the end, we're all alone...

the journey is just with ourselves
we might have guardian angels along with us
but in the end...
it all depends on US

marți, 12 mai 2009

just let it be...

I've lived again the experience of being amazed by my inner power. It keeps surprising me and arises when you least expect it - but probably when it's most needed.
it felt like the bottom of my soul was reached again last night.
and this morning, a new wave of energy just... took me over... and gave me life again.
that last thought that i had last night before going to sleep was that i'll always trust what's inside, i'm just gonna be me, and that i'm letting EVERYTHING just... BE...
whatever wants to come - it had the space to be.
and at the moment it felt like there is nothing there still to come, but even more... emptiness and loneliness...
and yet again, our soul needs to go through it's own process to get reborn