miercuri, 25 noiembrie 2009

Zambeste in 5 decembrie :) - A smile for you, on December 5th :)

Am ales sa pun titlul asta pentru ca sa punctez clar data, dar eu nu am incetat niciodata sa zambesc :)
si sper ca si voi aveti des ocazia sa o faceti - e un foarte bun exercitiu!

In 5 decembrie, campania "Un zambet pentru tine" revine la nivel national.
In ajun de Mos Nicolae, vom imparti zambete "organizat", adica cream o ora - intre 14.00 si 15.00 - cu o energie spectaculoasa!!!
inscrie-te pe link-ul asta:, si in 5 decembrie ZAMBESTE!!!! adica zambeste tot timpul, si in 5 decembrie da-le si altora :)

citeste mai multe despre campanie aici:

Cum vom “darui un zambet”?

Pe o bucatica de hartie (post-it) desenam un smiley face si scriem “Un zambet pentru tine”. Aceasta bucatica de hartie o oferim, alaturi de zambetul nostru propriu, persoanelor pe care le intalnim sambata, 5 decembrie, intre orele 14:00-15:00!!!


To all of our international friends out there :)

on December 5th we want to make more than a million people smile!
why? because we want to create a happier world, and... because we CAN :)
take post-its, write on them "A smile for you", draw a smiley face, and give them to all the people you meet on December 5th - of course, accompanied with your own smile :)
in Romania we are going to create an hour with an amazing energy: between 14.00 and 15.00 (that's GMT+2 here) we are going to smile, and spread the joy (in the shape of little post-its and positive energy).

you can read more about the campaign on:

I wanted to give all of you the opportunity to join us, and make the whole world smile!!!
what do you say?
will you join us?

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