marți, 29 decembrie 2009

articol de final de an (se pare :D) - for the end of the year

Ce faina experienta de "inchidere" am avut acuma dimineata cu Lia, un om drag care a ales sa-si petreaca revelionul la Bucuresti - m-am trezit, am citit un post al ei despre inchideri de experiente (ironic, nu?), ne-am imbratisat, ne-am simtit una pe alta, am simtit iubirea dintre noi, si apoi am inchis usa apartamentului in urma ei... foarte frumos, cu foarte multa bucurie si stare de pace si liniste...
si acum stau in pat, cu laptopul in brate, cu coltul ochiului surpinzand bradul impodobit (care reuseste sa ma duca de fiecare data intr-o stare de mirare - ce frumos! ce minunat! si zambesc...)

in urma cu vreo 2 ani, tot prin data de 29 decembrie (coincidenta din nou :D) am scris un e-mail pe care l-am trimis multor oameni care imi trecusera prin viata pana atunci:

Pentru astea doua zile care au ramas din an, te provoc la ceva: adu-ti aminte si fii recunoscator pentru tot ce ai invatat si ai primit in 2007! Poate chiar iti aduci aminte ca ai de multumit cuiva pentru ceva... :)
Re-traieste ce a meritat din 2007, si incheie experienta pentru tine. Vorbeste cu oamenii care ti-au oferit ceva... Apreciaza tot ce este acum in viata ta!

Apoi, poti incepe sa creezi cum vrei sa-ti fie 2008. Si nu fii zgarcit! Nu te limita la ce crezi acum ca e posibil!
2008 poate fi cel mai frumos an al vietii tale! cel mai fericit! cel mai implinit! cel mai vesel!... si depinde doar de tine!

La multi ani! si multe zile traite din plin!

Cu tot dragul, acum pe final de an,


in ultimele doua zile am tot citit post-uri pe bloguri si "scrisori" de inchidere de an, de inchidere de experiente...
si ma miram ca nu i-a venit timpul si la a mea, nu de alta, dar recunosc valoarea, importanta si utilitatea (ca rezultat final) a unui asemenea proces (pana n-ai trecut prin el, nu stii)

si acuma dimineata mi-a aparut: nu inchei un an, pentru ca nu simt sa retraiesc acum momente de demult (si la viteza cu care mi s-au intamplat experientele, sunt lucruri din anul asta care par taaaaare de demult), nu am nevoie sa rememorez persoane si momente...
viata mea nu se intampla ciclic, anual
si chiar am remarcat ca de mult nu mai am nevoie de perioade de "inchidere"

viata mea e oricum o serie de experiente despre care imi e clar ca nici una nu e exterioara mie (din moment ce o traiesc) si nici aleatoare sau intamplatoare.
traiesc TOT TIMPUL experiente
invat TOT TIMPUL din ceva
cresc din fiecare clipa traita
si fiecare clipa E TRAITA!
fiecare om care-mi trece prin viata are un rol in viata mea (si pentru asta sunt niste "multumesc-uri" de dat, personal (multe dintre ele le-am dat cand a fost momentul)
si lectiile de atunci, mi le-am luat cand mi s-au revelat

asa ca in momentul asta al trecerii dintre ani, iti doresc sa-ti traiesti fiecare clipa PREZENT, ACUM, total constient de ceea ce este in jurul tau, de ceea ce primesti, de ceea ce alegi sa dai mai departe... ACUM.

si daca mai ai lucruri care nu-ti sunt incheiate, nu o face ca e final de an, ci doar pentru ca te tin in trecut
incheie, si elibereaza-te
spune multumesc celor carora nu le-ai spus
cere-ti iertare celor carora nu le-ai cerut
trimite un gand bun cuiva care iti trece prin minte ca ar avea nevoie sau s-ar bucura...
fa sa fie complete cumva, experientele care nu sunt
si asta nu doar la final de an, ci de fiecare data cand "te impiedici" de ele... :)

si fii prezent la momentul de acum!
viata ta se intampla in timp ce citesti ceea ce e scris aici.
viata ta se intampla cand te trezesti dimineata, cand faci lucruri speciale, si cand faci lucruri clar rutinate...
viata ta nu va fi odata cand se va rezolva nu stiu ce
ASTA E! cea de acum!
si tu poti sa alegi, INCEPAND DE ACUM, cum vrei sa o traiesti
daca te mai lasi ancorat in trecut, sau iti traiesti viata constient de ce aduci in ea...

trecutul are rolul lui de a te invata, si pot sa scriu un roman foileton despre cate "lectii" am invatat anul asta, sau tot timpul care a trecut pana acum
dar fiecare lectie a fost invatata la timpul ei (si acum e parte din cine esti)
si cele care nu au fost invatate, vor reveni prin alte experiente, pana cand, sufletul meu va fi suficient de incapator sa priceapa :)
si lectii am invatat chiar si de cand m-am apucat sa scriu post-ul asta... (nu de alta, dar tot in trecut a fost momentul despre care vorbesc)


viata TA se intampla ACUM!
bucura-te de ea!

si de tot ceea ce este in jurul tau
nimic nu e intamplator
totul iti e dat pentru ca sa cresti


and here is the english version of this post, for all my foreign friends!!

I had a great "closing" experience this morning with Lia, a dear friend who chose to spend New Year's in Bucharest - I woke up, I read one of her posts about closing experiences (ironic, no?), we hugged, we felt eachother's presence, we felt the love between us, and then i closed the door of the apartment behind her... very nice, with a lot of joy, peace and silence...
and now i stay in the bed, holding my laptop, with the corner of my eye barely seeing the Christmas tree (which always takes me to a state of wonder - how nice! how wonderful! and I smile...)

about 2 years ago, also on december 29th (again coincidence :D) I wrote an e-mail that I sent then to a lot of people that crossed my life:

"For these two days that are left from this year, I challenge you to something: remember and be grateful for everything you've learned and received in 2007! Maybe you will even remember that you have somebody to thank to... :)
Re-live what was worth it in 2007, and close the experience for you. Talk to the people that gave you something... Appreciate what it is now in your life!

Then, you can start to create how you want 2008 to be. And don't be stingy! Don't limit yourself to what you think is possible!
2008 can be the most beautiful year of your life! the happiest! the most fulfilling! the most joyful! ... and it only depends on you!

Happy new year! and a lot of days fully lived!

With all my love, now, at the and of the year,


In the last two days I kept reading posts on different blogs and "letters" for closing the year
and I was wondering how come the time for mine didn't come yet, because I know the value, the importance and the utility (as an end result) of this kind of process (you'll have to go through it to know)

and this morning it cam to me: I don't close a year, because I don't feel like re-living moments long gone (and at the speed at which things happened, there are experiences from this year that seem soooo long ago), I don't need to recall persons and moments...
my life doesn't happen cyclic, annual
and I also noticed that it's been a while since I needed "closing" periods

my life is a series of experiences anyway, and none of them is outside of me (since I live it) or random...
I live ALL THE TIME experiences
I learn ALL THE TIME from something
I grow with every moment I live
and every moment, I LIVE!
every person that comes to my life has a purpose or a role (and for this there are some "thank you"s to give, personally (a lot of them I already gave at the right time)
and the lessons form then, I took when they came to me

so now, while we are crossing from one year to another, I wish to you to live every moment PRESENT, NOW, perfectly conscious of what is around you, of what you receive, of what you choose to give forward...

and if there are still things that are not closed, don't do it because it's the end of the year, but because they are keeping you in the past
close, and set yourself free
say thanks to the ones that you didn't have the chance
ask for forgiveness to the ones that you need to
send a good thought to somebody who crosses your mind
make experiences be complete
and all of this, not just at the end of the year, but every time they "come" to you... :)

and be present to the moment that you live NOW!
your life is happening while you read what's written here.
your life is happening when you wake up in the morning, when you do special stuff, and when you do things that are definitely in the routine...
your life will not happen when you will get I don't know what solved
THIS IS IT! the one that you're living now!
and you can choose, STARTING NOW, how you want to live it
if you let yourself in the past, or you live the life conscious of what you bring to it...

the past has it's own role in teaching you, and I can write a novel with all the "lessons" i learned this year or in the time that has passed until now
but every lesson was learned at it's own time (and now are part of who I am)
and the ones that were not learned yet, will come again through other experiences, until my soul will be wise enough to get it :)
and lessons I have learned even from the time I started writing this post... (the moment I'm talking about is also in the past :D)


YOUR life happens NOW!
enjoy it!

and enjoy everything that is around you
nothing happens by accident
everything is given for you to grow


2 comentarii:

testinghw spunea...

Superb articolul Mihaela, O superba urare de inceput de an

Am publicat o parte din el si pe cu link catre articolul tau complet:

Un zambet mare pentru tine :)

dorina spunea...

Ma impresionat ,mi-a ajuns la suflet.Iti multumesc pentru urare.Minunata!