luni, 20 decembrie 2010
un cadou pentru viitorii parinti
Publicat de Mihaela la 12/20/2010 12:17:00 p.m. 0 comentarii
duminică, 12 decembrie 2010
viziune... si liniste
Am petrecut din nou o noapte minunata si foarte speciala
si a fost...intr-o biserica simpla, alba, inalta, rece, parca intr-un fel... ne-terminata, am primit o invitatie sa stam in mijloc, si sa ne lasam invaluiti de sunete
6 coruri, voci ale Filarmonicii clujene, s-au amestecat pentru a crea un spatiu aproape ireal
si totul a pornit cu o viziune
un foarte tanar compozitor, Dan Variu, si norocul lui de a fi sprijinit intr-un vis de catre profesorul unive. dr. Ioan Haplea, au facut posibile momentele de minunatie de aseara
a fost nevoie doar de o idee, de un moment in care si-a dat voie sa aiba incredere ca ceea ce simte poate deveni CEVA
si de fiecare data cand ai o viziune, se gasesc resurse pentru a o face reala
de data asta, resursele au fost chiar vocile Filarmonicii
minunate "resurse"... :)
dar e nevoie de acea IDEE care sa le faca sa fie MINUNATE...
am auzit de multe ori corul Filarmonicii, si parca niciodata nu a fost asa de special ca aseara, parca niciodata nu mi s-a mai ridicat parul pe mana ca si aseara, parca de mult nu am mai plans ascultand o... colinda...
si doamne ce viziune!!
pornind de la un colind vechi cules de Bela Bartok - "Pa cel plai de munte" (poate ati mai avut norocul sa-l auziti pe undeva) a carui melodie inca imi suna in minte si in suflet de aseara, Dan Variu a vrut sa surprinda vechiul si noul, ce a fost, si in ce se poate transforma, mi-a transmis din nou ca am uitat ce inseamna COLINDUL, ca in ultima vreme Craciunul s-a transformat intr-o sarbatoare... comerciala, in ceva care e doar vesel (nu-i nimic rau cu asta) si poate putin prea agitat...
poate se potriveste mai mult imaginea asta cu stilul de viata pe care il traim...
poate ca de asta zambim si incepem sa ne miscam de fiecare data cand auzim cantece de Craciun americane (sunt unele foarte faine, de altfel, si le ascult si eu deja de cand a nins prima data...)
dar aseara am simtit ca-mi lipseste profunzimea si linistea unui COLIND...
m-am lasat purtata in frenezia pe care a creat-o Dan Variu, in calatoria pe care a simtit-o si el legat de influentele noi in muzica romaneasca
si apoi m-am lasat din nou atinsa de "hainele care-i vin cel mai bine" (- ce minunata alegere de cuvinte!! -)
si am plans...
si am zambit...
pentru mine Craciunul este LINISTE
mai mult decat luminite si cadouri
mai mult decat veselie si galagie...
este sa am timp sa aranjez un bradut, sa-l simt si sa-i aleg fiecare podoaba, sa ma bucur de cat de speciala este si de spatiul pe care i-l ofer pe creanga...
sa ascult colinde romanesti si sa cant cat ma tine vocea...
sa sting apoi lumina in casa si sa ma asez in fata bradutului lasandu-ma pierduta intre luminite si sclipici...
Multumesc Dan Variu pentru ca mi-ai oferit din nou linistea asta!
si e minunat cum totul a pornit de la viziune
e extraordinar sa vezi ce MINUNE se poate crea, ce transpunere a sufletului, cata conectare si TRAIRE, avand doar un gand, o idee, un sentiment, o viziune... si increderea de a o transforma in realitate
multumesc Dan Variu ca ai avut incredere in tine
multumesc domnului profesor Haplea ca i-a dat curaj si ca l-a sustinut
si fara sa minimizez importanta vocilor din corul Filarmonicii, fara viziunea pe care Dan a avut-o, acele voci ar fi tacut........
Publicat de Mihaela la 12/12/2010 11:33:00 a.m. 0 comentarii
luni, 6 decembrie 2010
despre a darui
The Case Against Buying Christmas Presents
Post written by Leo Babauta.
I love Christmas. I love the snow-themed everything, even when I was living on tropical Guam, and Santa and elves and reindeer and snowmen and candy canes. Yes, I even love the non-stop playing of Christmas music for two months.
Most of all, I love getting together with my family — eating Christmas cookies, singing Christmas carols together, gossiping and laughing at each other. It’s tremendous fun.
I don’t love Christmas shopping, or the overconsumption, frenzied malls, consumer debt, environmental waste, wasted time wrapping, and over-accumulation of needless stuff that goes with it.
Bah humbug! I love Christmas, but the shopping has got to go. Here’s why. Warning: This will be a rant of near-epic proportions.
1. The focus is on buying, not on sharing. I love the idea of giving to people you love, but that idea has been twisted. Now people go out in a mad rush to shop, like ravenous vampires feasting on new blood. We shop for a month, rip apart the packaging one morning, and then forget about it the next day. Is this about giving, or buying?
2. Giving is great, but buying is not the solution. Again, I’m in love with giving … but do we need to buy to give? We seem to think that buying is the solution to any problem, but that has lead to a society that is deeply in debt and piled high with needless stuff. We can find other ways to give: bake cookies, wash someone’s car, babysit so they can go on a date night, create a photo album, be there when they need help moving.
3. The waste, oh the waste. Let’s start with packaging: the packaging for every toy is double the volume of the toy itself. From cardboard to plastic to metal twist-ties, it’s ridiculous. Then every item we buy must be brought home in bags. We often put everything in boxes. Then we buy wrapping paper and wrap it all up. All of this gets thrown away on Christmas day. Finally, there’s the gift itself — people get so much stuff they can’t possibly treasure everything. So it goes into the closet to be forgotten.
4. The sorrowful debt. Most people spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars on gifts and wrapping. Not to mention all the money spent on gas, driving to different shopping places, and the money spent on fattening food at mall food courts. This goes on credit cards (and around our waistlines), and we then must pay for this — with high interest — during the year. Even if you don’t get into debt, you’re spending money earned from long hours of hard work — is this really how you want to spend your life, paying for needless stuff so corporations can get rich?
5. The horrendous, insipid, seizure-inducing advertising. I can’t stand advertising, and it only gets worse on Christmas. The ads pound on you relentlessly until you give in — and it works. That’s been proven — those ads are getting you to buy more, to want more, to lay down the credit card. I don’t watch TV, read newspapers or magazines, or allow ads in my browser (AdBlock) so that I don’t have to be subjected to this.
6. The fuel. If you drive all over the place to shop, you’re using lots of fuel. Even if you just order online, think of the fuel it takes to deliver these products (overnight!) to your home. And the fuel used to create the products, to get the raw materials to the factories, to cut down the raw materials, to ship the finished product to the stores or warehouses from around the world (most likely from China), not to mention all the fuel used to create and ship the packaging. It’s a few million metric craploads of fuel, wasted for giving some presents that will be forgotten.
7. There are still hungry people in the world. In the frenzy that is Christmas shopping, we spend ridiculous amounts of money that is pure waste. In other countries, people are struggling just to eat, or get medicine, or find shelter, or get clean drinking water. We spend so much in a show of consumerist greed, when that money could go to feed a few dozen families. If you have money to waste, consider donating it to an organization that is helping these types of families. I know this sounds preachy, but really, this kind of reminder is necessary in times like these.
8. The neverending clutter. What happens to all the gifts? They go on our shelves, in our closets, on the floor. We already have so much clutter — do we need more? We already have problems figuring out what to do with everything we own. Why do we want to clutter our homes even more? Why do we want to force clutter on our loved ones, oblige them to find a spot in their already cluttered homes for this gift we’ve given them, so they won’t offend us when we come to visit? Is this obligation really a gift?
Q: But what about the kids?
A: Kids love getting presents (I have six kids — I should know!). I sure did when I was a kid. Are we to rob them of this? It’s a difficult question, but another side of the equation to consider is what we are teaching the kids. They don’t just participate in the opening of presents — they see all the shopping too. They are being taught to shop, and to value material goods over anything else. Imagine their lives when they’re grown — a life of shopping and debt and waste, because that’s what’s important, right? So for the joy of opening a few presents for a couple hours on Christmas day, we’re imparting on them consumerist values that will last them a lifetime.
I think, instead, this can be a great opportunity to have an open discussion with kids about buying and spending and debt. Did you receive this kind of education when you were a kid? Would you have been better off if you had? This is also a great opportunity to teach kids about giving to others, about volunteering and helping the less fortunate, about finding other ways to spend time with loved ones that don’t require shopping. My kids do want presents — but I don’t want them to think that’s what Christmas is all about. We’ve been having this discussion and we will continue to this month.
Q: But what about family?
A: Family, believe it or not, will survive without a few presents from us. They can continue to shop and give presents, but you can simply tell them that you don’t want to participate this year. Send them a link to this article to explain why.
This is also a great opportunity (you see how I love turning problems into opportunities?) to create new traditions with your family — go caroling, string popcorn for the tree, make Christmas cookies, bake pies, play football outside, create Christmas scrapbooks, volunteer.
Q: But I love giving presents!
A: Sure, who doesn’t? And you might also love shopping. Shopping, for many people, is a pleasure like no other. This can be a problem, in my mind: you might be using shopping to give you temporary happiness, to fill a hole in your life, to make you happy when you’re depressed or stressed or lonely. I’m not saying you are, but many people do, and it’s good to take a look at these things. Richer happiness can be found in simpler things that don’t involve spending: being with loved ones, creating, reading, getting outside and doing something active.
Even if you aren’t addicted to shopping, you might just love giving presents. And that’s OK — but you might consider giving more meaningful presents that don’t require lots of shopping. Creating a photo album or scrapbook for someone takes time and thought, while laying down a credit card at Macy’s doesn’t.
Q: How do you convince a spouse who equates lavish gifts with love & appreciation?
A: This definitely isn’t easy. It’s an important discussion to have, however. You’ll need to do it without accusations, without resentment, without making the other person feel he’s under attack. Bring it up as an ongoing discussion about things you’re thinking about — maybe even point to this post as a starting point.
This is such an important discussion because so many couples get badly into debt for this reason — one partner has different values about material goods, shopping, debt, gifts, and so on, and the other partner hates to fight about it so doesn’t talk about it. Financial issues are also a big reason couples split up. So finding a healthy way to talk about values, about financial goals, about how you want to live your lives, is so crucial. Do it gently, with compassion, as a way to live together as a team rather than two people struggling against each other.
A good way to get started is to write a blog post or a letter to your spouse about your feelings — again, without being attacking. You might explain why you’re not into giving presents, that you still love your spouse but want to show it in non-consumerist ways, that there are other traditions the two of you could start together to share your love.
Alternatives to buying
There are so many good ideas, but a few:
- Do other things with family, such as caroling, baking, watching It’s a Wonderful Life, playing football outside.
- Volunteer as a family at a homeless shelter.
- Ask people to donate to your favorite charity in lieu of gifts.
- Make meaningful gifts.
- Do a gift swap where you put a valued possession (that you already own) into the swap.
- Bake gifts.
- Have an experience instead of giving material goods: do something fun together, go to the beach or a lake.
- Find hope. Christmas has so much potential to be about so much more than buying — it can be a season of hope, renewal, loved ones, inspiration, contemplation. Talk to your family about this — how can we find ways to be hopeful, thankful, cooperative? How can we be more present instead of worried about getting presents?
- Get stuff at Goodwill. It’s recycled, and the money helps a good cause.
Publicat de Mihaela la 12/06/2010 10:19:00 a.m. 0 comentarii
luni, 29 noiembrie 2010
Sustine si Tu proiectul din Tara lui Andrei destinat copiilor cu cancer din IASI
Publicat de Mihaela la 11/29/2010 09:04:00 a.m. 1 comentarii
joi, 11 noiembrie 2010
"Ca să-ţi pot spune mâine-n tăcere,
Inima mea e o cupă cu miere.
Inima mea e o cupă din care,
Bea lumină iubito, şi viaţă, şi soare.
Inima mea..."
"Inima mea e o cupă cu sânge
Care tot strânge, care tot strânge
Dar într-o zi nemaiputându-şi încape
O să se spargă-n bucăţi şi-o să scape
Inima mea e o cupă cu ură
Şi-i mai bine iubito să n-o duci la gură
Fiindcă ceea ce crezi băutură suavă,
Este numai amară, cumplită otravă.
Nu mai sta lângă mine cu pleoapele
Azi o umbră trădată îţi este aproapele
Şi cât timp nu mai e pace în lume,
Ochiul tău nu-mi mai spune nimic, nu-mi mai spune."
Publicat de Mihaela la 11/11/2010 08:01:00 a.m. 0 comentarii
marți, 26 octombrie 2010
and this too shall pass...
"and this too shall pass"
mi-a placut mult
acum e scris mare pe un post-it... si ma aduce prezenta la tot ce traiesc...
adaugare ulterioara: nu de mult, Lia a scris un post despre ceea ce invatam fiind in preajma copiilor. am simtit ca e un bun adaos la articolul asta.
foarte frumos scris.
multumesc Lia.
Copiii - marii nostri Maestri in Relatii
"Auzim repetandu-se ca Noi adultii trebuie sa re-invatam de la copii sa iubim viata, sa fim creativi, sa ne jucam, sa nu mai fim asa seriosi....ff Lia Bolte on Tuesday, 01 March 2011 at 03:45
Dar Eu pe proprie piele am invatat de la cei mici ce inseamna A FI INTR-O RELATIE, experimentata asa hard core.
Si sa incepem cu inceputul...
Mama mea e educatoare si undeva pe parcursul conceperii mele virusul iubirii copiilor mi s-a transmis in sange...imi plac toti copiii, ma opresc si ma stramb pe strada, in bus, in supermarket, ca-s albi, ca-s mai negriciosi nu conteaza...sunt cute...
Copiii te invata cel mai bine ce inseamna sa Ai o RELATIE!!! dc ai un partener, si amici in te calca pe nervi si nu-ti mai convine....GATA nu te mai joci cu ei, il rogi pe iubit sa-si revina in simtiri ca tu asa nu mai poti, sau ii dai papucii iubitului pe motiv de "nu mergem in aceeasi directie", nu mai raspunzi la telefon amicilor care nu-ti mai convin, ii eviti, brusc devii ocupata..Ma rog te fofilezi si iesi din poti...dar cu un Copil e diferit...e prea poti sa-l dai la casa de copii desi aceste idei nu-ti sunt straine cateodata :D :D
Dovedind atata dragoste, draga mea mama, ma punea sa am grija de ei la asa am experimentat ce inseamna sa ai Rabdare cu 30 de copii a caror comportament nu-l cunosti, nu-l poti ghici, sa fiu creativa cand tipatul nu mai da roade, sa Invat si sa gust din Curiozitatea si Intelepciunea lor, sa ma las surprinsa de inocenta si spiritul lor viu...Hai ca nu e asa greu de facut 4 ore pe zi...dupa aia poti cadea lat, cu nervii franjuri...
Situatia se schimba cand il ai pentru mai multe ore. Eram studenta cand am devenit babysitter. A fost o experienta in care doamne cat am putut invata de la Chinezii parinti, ce inseamna sa fi parinte si sa iti respecti si tratezi copilul ca pe un adult ...dar mai ales de la Alecu ce inseamna sa spui ce ai de spus, sa te joci, sa fi curios, sa iti spui cuvantul tare si apasat pentru ca tu crezi in el chiar daca ai 3 ani jumate.
Cand in prima zi, parintii au inchis usa iar Alecu plangea si se prelingea de usa....adevarul e ca m-am scarpinat putin in moalele capului, creierul meu fiind lipsit de idei...E un copil, pe care parintii mi l-au lasat putin inconstienti in grija...Un copil cu care vrei nu vrei stabilesti o a fost una tare iubit, ne-am urat, ne-am iubit iara, ne iubim si acuma...Pana la urma am Experimentat cu Alex, si am construit o Relatie. Vorba aia relatiile nu apar ci se am invatat ce inseamna sa iti pui conditii, sa continui sa construiesti la Relatie chiar cand celalalt are pareri si nevoi foarte diferite, sa asculti in loc sa controlezi, sa fiu relaxata, sa fiu creativa, sa ascult, sa ma intreb, sa fac lucruri pe care celalalt le iubeste (de ex sa ascult ASIA pana mi-a iesit pe urechi), sa-mi stabilesc limite, sa ma enervez, sa imi cer iertare, sa respect...
Dar din nou si asta a fost usor ca pana la urma parintii veneau acasa, eu plecat la casele mele...
DAR in septembrie am primit cu home delivery cel mai FRUMOS copil din orasul acesta!! pe numele mic tutzi sau Andrei. Sunt sora, nasa, babysitter, alte utilizari pe care le pastram in the house. Acasa la noi, in cealalta camera 24 din 24 de ore, un bebe....Woww...ce cadou frumos!!
Cu el invat zi de zi ce inseamna sa Fi parte din Relatie!!
Primele zile dupa ce a venit uitam la el: simpatic, dar parca cam fragil....e dragut..dar e o chestie noua la noi in casa...:D si dupa 2 zile am marturisit cu vocea nu simt Iubire fata de el...adica e simpatic, dar dragostea aia despre care se scrie ca trebuie sa o venea..a venit dupa cateva saptamani si dupa mult timp petrecut impreuna, dupa ce l-am descoperit, si am simtit intr-o zi cand venind spre casa m-a apucat o mare bucurie stiind ca o sa-l vad, sa-l pup, si BUUUM m-a palit:
Revelatia numarul 1: Asa e si intr-o relatie la inceput...Analizezi baiatul, e dragut, are freza asa,fundul potrivit, e inalt sau mic, buzele au trecut testul, ma rog multe judecati...dar parca nu stii cum sa te comporti cu el, ce sa-i zici, cum sa-ti zici, cat sa faci sa nu pari nici...dar nici prea serioasa...Si desi toate filmele si cartile spun ca in momentul in care il vezi vei simti fluturii in stomac si vei stii ca His the just ai cum sa simti ai cum sa simti ca inima iti iese din piept...e nevoie de saptamani, luni, multe zile, de experiente prin care sa treceti impreuna..timp in care sa il cunosti pe celalalt, sa te cunosti pe tine, sa inveti sa ai un limbaj comun, pe langa cel french :P
Nu petrec timp cu Andrei, sau sunt plecata 2 saptamani, cand ma intorc cu atata DOR de el, de joaca, de timp petrecut cu el...ce s-a mai schimbat, cate chestii noi face, cat a crescut, ce sunete noi scoate..dar mai ales....De ce nu mai functioneaza smecheriile pe care le faceam inainte?? De ce nu mai tace cand vede jucaria asta?? Inainte tacea!!! De ce nu-mi mai rade cand vorbesc cu el?? DE CE????? Luati-l ca nu ma mai descurc cu el..I suck!! I am not good!! nu mai pot sa am grija de el pentru ca nu mai stiu (((((:::
Si apoi cu inima cat un purece petrecem iar timp impreuna si ne e asa frumos ca acum facem alte chestii noi, scuipam mai parca am si uitat cum era cand am revenit acasa..
Revelatia numarul 2: O relatie se schimba. Tu te schimbi chiar daca nu-ti dai seama, celalalt se schimba chiar daca tu nu vrei, si e foarte bine ca se intampla asta..asta inseamna Evolutie...Dar e necesar sa constientizezi asta pentru ca next time cand va veti intalni sa ai o curiozitate de al descoperi pe celalalt ca si cum v-ati vedea pentru prima il primesti ca pe ceva nou, si sa continui relatia cu el de la momentul de Acum cand ne vedem, nu cum erai acum 3 luni si imi aduceai bla erai asa de bla bla...O relatie e ca o scara se mereu sunt noi si frumoase trepte pe scara dar in timp urci...Poti urca impreuna cu partenerul sau nu...
Copilul urla la mine in camera. E 2 noaptea. Am promis sa-i las sa doarma ca ma ocup de el. i-am dat lapte, l-am pus in marsupiu, i-am cantat elefantii, pupaza, l-am ragait, l-am schimbat, l-am leganat....dar el continua sa urla de parca l-ai picura cu ceara fierbinte....Dupa 2 ore cedez si-l predau parintilor..faceti ce stiti ca eu nu mai stiu....Concluzie: Nici ei nu stiu ce sa faca. Incearca diverse lucruri care sa isi cauta Linistea in se conecteaza la Iubire si multa grija.
Revelatia numarul 3: Oricant de mare drama in care te aflii cu partenerul, conecteaza-te la Iubirea si Grija din sufletul tau, si vei gasi liniste si Claritate, pentru a face fata furtunii si dramei. Daca drama nu e a ta, nu intra in vartejul ei, asculta cu Inima care sunt nevoile partenerului, plangerile, durerile si apoi vezi ce poti face. De multe ori un zambet, faptul ca ai ascultat, ca esti acolo, ca iubesti e suficient ca celalat sa le linisteasca.
Revelatia numarul 4: Nici o drama in relatia cu partenerul nu e capat de lume.Oricat de groaznic ar parea, de frica ti-ar fi, ca nu mai stii ce sa faci, ca nu ai solutie, ca ai incercat totul, ca esti de tot rahatul, ca celelalt nu te asculta, intelege, ORICE drama in care intri nu inseamna Sfarsit. E mare lucru cum te raportezi tu la ce se intampla. Mereu va exista o solutie!! Poti pleca din relatie si atunci e foarte usor, celalalt e tampitul iar tu ai subiect de a te plange la prieteni pentru urmatoarele 2 luni. Sau poti RAMANE in relatie, in situatia in care te aflii impreuna cu partenerul tau si poti rezolva, clarifica, gasi solutii impreuna, prezent fiind la nevoile tale, nevoile celuilalt si la Inima ta. Daca ramai clarifici, auzi si Cresti in relatie.
Oricat de mult sufera, plange, tipa, oricat de obosit ar fi daca lui Andrei ii canti "in padurea cu alune" sau orice altceva pe aceasta linie linisteste si te functioneaza de undeva de pe la vreo 2 luni si imediat avem 6 luni.
Revelatia numarul 5: Doamne cat ne agitam in relatii sa fim creativi, sa combatem monotonia, sa facem lucruri cat mai diverse, sa spargem bani pe neglije-uri pentru a pastra flacara de fapt tot ce e nevoie in Relatii e sa fim PREZENTI la celalat, la nevoile lui, ale tale. Sa fim in momentul ACUM...restul e marketing si comert...relatiile sunt u care or not, do u love or a simple choice.
Cand Andrei era mai mic il luam cu mine cand veneam de la munca, pe principiul "el e mic si isi tine gura, iar eu stau pe facebook, sau citesc ziarul". NOp nu functioneaza asa.....Adica daca stai cu el...musai sa fi 100% cu el, si nu are nevoie decat sa te uiti in ochii lui, sa-i vorbesti, sa-i zambesti, dar sa be there cu el
Revelatia nr 6. In relatii de atatea ori zicem ca ascultam partenerul, dar asa nu auzim decat un bla bla bla undeva in fundal, si retinem evident ultimele 2 cuvinte asta dc suntem luati la intrebari. Suntem obisnuiti dupa ce intram intr-o relatie sa fim atat de relaxati ca celalalt e in pat langa noi, incat sa uitam sa-i mai spunem noapte buna, sau sa-l strangem in brate la finalul zilei...devenim uite asa ne instrainam, pasiunea dispare, iubirea nu e din cauza sexului prea rar, sau a parului de pe pentru ca am uitat sa ne mai pese, sa fim 100% acolo.
Revelatia nr 7: Relatiile inseamna sa fim Prezenti 100% acolo cu celalalt, sa construim, sa crestem...dar am descoperit ca nu e usor deloc, e de lucru, iti ia din energie si trebuie sa Vrei sa faci asta constient clipa de clipa...Alegi relatia asta??? Alegi acest partener?? Atunci be here, asculta, ofera, primeste. Chiar daca toata ziua ai doar 2 ore pe care sa le petreci cu partenerul apoi Traieste-le total cu el, intra in lumea lui, lasa tot ce ai de facut si Iubeste!!
Toata lumea se minuneaza ce copil frumos adevarul e ca e ATATA DE e foarte vesel...rade intruna..rade cu tine..rade singur...e un copil foarte zen...dar am observat ca rade si isi stramba nasul precum Miha, se distreaza la sunetele lui Luci...imi zambeste cand ii zambesc..
Revelatia nr 8: Partenerul e Oglinda noastra. Daca noi suntem veseli, asta vom aduce in energia relatiei noastre, si se va simti. Daca suntem apasati si ingrijorati la fel se va vedea pe fata noastra si se va reflecta in celalat. Lucrurile din exterior sunt reflectia a ceea ce este in noi in Interior. Daca suntem bucurie si conectare o vom aduce in relatie si il vom sprijini si pe celalalt.
Revelatia nr 9. Nu intodeauna trebuie sa stii solutia, nu intotdeauna faci lucrul cel mai bun. Exista momente cand vrei sa renunti, sa pleci, sa fugi, sa urli, sa gresesti....Fa-le frate dar constient si responsabil fata de rezultatele pe care le vrei. Da-ti voie sa nu stii, sa gresesti, sa renunti...Dar nu uita ca de cate ori te aflii intr-o situatie de genul asta ai o lectie foarte valoroasa de chiar daca cazi la pamant, cand te ridici, te ridici cu o experienta nou, cu o lectie noua.
Revelatia nr 10: Nu exista solutii permanente, nu exista tipare, nu exista generalizari. Aceasta relatie e UNICA, acest moment este NOU, aceasta situatie e inedita.
Revelatia nr 11: Cand ajungi sa ai copil, vrei nu vrei relatia cu mama ta se va imbunatati, pentru ca vei invata sa o intelegi prin ce a trecut, sa o apreciezi, sa o iubesti mai mult..
Si sunt multe revelatii care vin....
Andrei Mihai supranimit Tzutzi are doar 5 luni jumate, 8 kg jumate, bea lapte de mama, baleste mult, face ca indienii, rade toata ziua, tipa ca pisicile in calduri, nu vorbeste, scuipa, linge tot ce TOTUSI cat de mult mi-a imbogatit Viata!! Cate lectii mi-a dat si cat m-a ajutat in relatia in care sunt acuma....Multumesc tzutilic drag.
Multumesc parintilor Chinezi si Bari pentru lectiile pe care mi le-au dat ei despre ce inseamna sa iti lasi copilul sa creasca in Libertate, sa-l respecti oricat de mic ar fi, ce inseamna sa-ti iubesti copilul si cum il inclin si va spun Multumesc!! Relatiile stabilite cu copiii vostri clar reflecta relatia frumoasa pe care o aveti in cuplu!
Nu stiu daca voi avea copiii de acum treaba asta pare cam dificila..cert e ca am tot know how-ul necesar in domeniu...dar nu ma vad in stare sa duc 24 h/ 18 ani acest job. Asa ca toata stima si respectul pt Mama care a crescut 3 copii, si pentru toate mamele din nu-i usor. Isi merita tot respectul si indatorirea noastra eterna pentru ca ne-au crescut.
Revenind la revelatiile mele despre relatii:
Daca un bebe te poate invata atatea lucruri Iti poti imagina cat de bogata poate fi viata ta zi de zi cu un partener care vorbeste, te atinge, impartaseste, se joaca, te iubeste, te alinta, cu care calatoresti, visezi, asta daca cei 2 Iubesc Constient, prezenti unul la celalalt si la Ce este ACUM!! Clipa de Clipa....WOWWWW
O viata EXTRAORDINARA si foarte atata de bogata si plina de energie....Ma simt atat de inspirata!!!"
Publicat de Mihaela la 10/26/2010 05:36:00 p.m. 1 comentarii
luni, 25 octombrie 2010
oamenii care ne apar in viata, ne sunt parteneri de drum...
Pe langa faptul ca sunt competenti si foarte rabdatori, stiu ce inseamna sa faci follow up, sa ramai alaturi de parinte pe toata durata tratamentului, sa suni zilnic sau sa ramai in contact, sa raspunzi la intrebari, oricat de simple sau banale, sa fii acolo si sa dai incurajari, chiar daca progresul e lent... sa fii acolo pentru parinte, si sa oferi nu solutii standardizate de prin carti, ci variante personalizate, in functie de fiecare copil, si bazat pe observatii directe...
Am avut o super experienta cu ei.
Despre el puteti afla mai multe pe site-ul lui: (0752 360 360)
Ea s-a specializat si in alaptat si face si cursuri de pregatire pentru mamici: (0742.065.897)
Dar de fapt, asta e doar partea informativa a acestui mesaj...
E clar doar o perspectiva...
si acum las informatia sa curga...
Pana una alta, eu am mai vrut sa-ti mai spun ca Teodora organizeaza incepand cu 4 noiembrie un curs Lamaze, de pregatire pentru viitorii parinti. Descrierea cursului mie mi-a fost foarte draga. iar in Teodora am deja foarte mare incredere. Asa ca da un ochi pe afis, citeste, si vezi ce-ti spune... Poate iti aduci aminte de cineva caruia i-ar putea fi util...
Curs Lamaze - curs de educatie prenatala
Sarcina este o experiență minunată și împreună cu modificările specifice ei, apar, de asemenea și o mulțime de întrebări. Adesea ne bazăm pe sfaturile familiei și ale prietenilor sau căutăm pe forumuri, atunci când dorim răspunsuri la întrebările noastre. Pentru a afla răspunsuri competente la întrebările tale despre sarcină și naștere, poți să apelezi la cursurile de educație prenatală.
Cursurile sunt în așa fel construite încât oferă informații legate de sarcină, naștere și perioada postpartum. Acestea includ: nutriție, anatomie, modificări emoționale și fizice în timpul sarcinii, măsuri de comfort în timpul travaliului, măsuri de management al durerii în timpul travaliului, relaxare, respirație, informații legate de procesul nașterii, medicație si intervenții, cezariană, alăptare și îngrijirea nou-născutului. Toate acestea sunt abordate pe durata a șase cursuri a câte două ore.
Cursurile se desfașoară de obicei în ultimul trimestru de sarcină. În mod ideal ele încep în săptamâna 28-29 de sarcină, însa voi sunteți cei care decideți când vă simțiți confortabil să începeți cursurile.
Nașterea este o experiență marcantă pe care mama o poartă cu ea o viață întreagă. Educația prenatală poate fi primul pas înspre o experiență pozitivă a nașterii.
Viitorii tătici care participă la cursurile Lamaze, primesc un atestat care le conferă dreptul la zece zile de concediu, suplimentare, pentru participarea acestora la îngrijirea copilului. Cursul este gratuit pentru tătici.
Articol preluat de pe
Publicat de Mihaela la 10/25/2010 04:57:00 p.m. 0 comentarii
luni, 12 iulie 2010
spatiu si lumina....
nu e inca nici fetita nici baiat
Publicat de Mihaela la 7/12/2010 12:59:00 p.m. 0 comentarii
luni, 5 iulie 2010
allowing things to be
I had this feeling from the very beginning
it's not like i'm MAKING anything
the baby chose to come
he chose us as her parents
and we said yes
but that was the extend of it :)
she's growing by herself...
without me helping the process
i'm only just a "pipe"
allowing her to get a human shape again...
i know it sounds a bit strange
but it's a cool feeling :)
her soul existed before this
SHE existed before this
and there is a natural way through which souls get bodies for a new life...
i'm simply allowing the process to happen
and i simply just agreed to that...
she already has an identity
she IS
and she knows herself...
my role it's just to be part of her way.. i mean this is another feeling that i clearly had - that we chose eachother because we have a common journey... at least for a while
and i'm so willing to live it!
and to let it be
to see what we have to grow toghether
what messages she has for me
what experiences she needs to live by my side
but it's not MY baby... because i'm not making her. she doesn't belong to me
she belongs to herself
and she is already all that she needs to be
my role is simple... allowing her to be.. :)
and i can't wait for us to meet and get to know each other!
i felt her soul
her angel soul...
she definitely has lessons for me too.... and perspectives - i already felt that
and for the rest, she's growing naturally, the process happens by itself
my body changes to allow her to exist in this world
and i don't have to prepare myself for this
in a very deep way, from a very rooted conscience... i know what to do, even if nobody taught me..
i just need to listen to my body
it's inner wisdom knows what needs to be done
the cells know... maybe learned from a very long line of cells doing the same thing over time...
i just know...
no. i just am...
and i don't need to know in order to be...
it's simple and easy...
things happen...
and i let them to...
and i'm happy
i have no idea why
i'm happy in the process...
enjoying it
and looking forward to discover what's next...
and even if this was it... it's still worth it
i watched a TED movie today (see below) talking about happiness
and about the fact that we mostly just look back and see if we WERE happy... and that is being affected by the last moment of the experience; meaning that if the whole experience was ok, but it ended badly, we would most likely remember how it ended, and refer to that experience as a not so good one...
i don't care how my experience will end
i loved it until now
and i love it now
i had all my rewards and gifts and joys
everything that i wanted or needed!!
and it's all about this!!
the NOW, when i'm enjoying...
i'm happy little girl!!!
thank you for giving me access to all this new range of emotions and experiences
and no matter what will happen in the future
i will always be grateful for these times :)
with love,
Publicat de Mihaela la 7/05/2010 09:24:00 a.m. 0 comentarii
about love
I love my baby...
I love waking up every morning and smiling when seeing his face watching me...
I love holding him in my arms
and i love it when we kiss
ir's so simple and beautiful to just love
without any stories...
it's very easy
he makes me feel happy
i am happy
and it's so easy
i feel how he chooses to be happy with us
i see him making this choice every momnet
and i love him for that
even more than before...
i love my baby...
and it's so easy
i love him now
every... NOW :)
Publicat de Mihaela la 7/05/2010 08:45:00 a.m. 0 comentarii
miercuri, 9 iunie 2010
a nice and relaxed journey...
this pregnancy was very natural and normal, and i accepted everything like it is exactly how it was supposed to be, SO, it was really really easy so far
no sickness whatsoever
no cravings
nothing special happening (- in the bad way :D)
my boobs got bigger :))))))))
my belly is now huge also
but all the changes i felt in my body, I felt they happened natural, my body getting ready to host another life inside it for 9 months - so no negative anything :D
in the first trimester, I had a slightly weird schedule, at 13.00-13.30, my batteries ran out completely and I had to take a rest. When I put my head on the pillow I slept almost instantly - and woke up in 45 minutes or one hour, completely fresh...
this was also normal - the poor baby was making lungs, and a heart and some hands and fingers.... :))) so, it took a lot of energy to make all those... it needed my body to be rested and to have all the resources it needed :D
so i changed my schedule - and turned off my phone from 13.00 to 14.30 - and worked only before and after this...
but after i finished the first three months, this need to sleep at lunch - just stopped
now it's just good and nice, and full of energy
during the whole time, i learned a lot how to listen to my body and to eat what it needs - the baby needing some key elements, so my body was asking for food that contained those elements
i didn't even need to know what was recommended for a diet when pregnant
my body was asking for stuff and it as clear: moments of drinking a lot of milk, another period of eating lemons (i realized later that it was a time when people around me got sick, so my body was asking for some extra immunity :D), then tomatoes, then strawberries, a looooott of water (i'm really thirsty all the times, and i pee a lot, but oh well :D)....
all very natural and relaxed... :)
i realized that you don't need to know too much stuff beforehand... if you let things be, you will apprehend everything you need to know, by the process itself
no wonder the people have been giving birth in this way for such a long time now... the body developed the required functions for you to be able to do it easily and naturally....
i stopped reading maternity books after the first best seller got in my hands and after the first 50 pages i realized that my anxiety level got really high...
they all present you things that COULD happen...
things that you should be aware of...
and i realized that it had brought to my universe information that was not there, worries that i didn't have, and that were not based on MY EXPERIENCE, but on some studies and statistical research...
i love my doctor - i got to him by "accident" - i woke up one morning knowing that i was pregnant, even if there were no signs before that, i took a test and it was positive, and we needed a doctor to confirm - so we "googled" gynecologists form cluj that had private cabinets and worked the next afternoon :D
so it was pure chance... and just the way things work... :)
we had such a nice conversation at this first meeting, that i loved him instantly! - he considers, like i also do, that pregnancy is not something so special; it happens very often to people :D, it's the way we, as a race, carry on... so it's not something... out of the ordinary. and if you listen to your own body, you will know exactly what to do, and you won't even need a doctor
we keep going just because this is how it's done, and because it's ok to be safe...
but he's really cool (if anybody cares, his name is Romeo Micu) - When i first asked him what dietary restrictions does he suggest, he answered to eat whatever i can eat, and if i get sick, it will be my body's way of telling me not to eat that thing anymore :)))) - so this is how he is...; when i asked him if i could travel, he said that statistically, in the first trimester, most of the miscarriages could occur. but then he wanted to underline the words "statistically" and "could", who do not equal with WILL :)... so he concluded that I should do how i feel, because each pregnancy is different and there shouldn't be any common recommendations from outside... my body will know the best...
he/she is healthy
and we're both well
i felt her soul more than once
we already have a relationship beyond any need of physical form...
i KNOW that she came to us on purpose
our souls have a journey together here on earth
and we have stuff to teach eachother - this was very clear to me the first time i felt the little angel's presence...
very cool feeling :)
and now i'm reading an OSHO book - "The book about babies" - and it just tells me in words what i've been feeling about this whole journey
i'm just looking forward to meeting her! :)
she already has a soul and a background
my job - at a conscious level now - is just to allow her to be as she already is
and not to put what i already know
what i KNOW, comes from my past and from my experiences
she has the right to discover herself...
and to experience
and to create her own image of the world and the everything...
i can't wait to have this journey with her
and to see what we have to discover together...
SO i'm just enjoying, and letting things be...
this is how our lives happen...
in the last months we've been involved in a great charity project (that Lia and I coordinated - and it turned out better than we hoped!!)
we also created on the 1st of june - when in romania we celebrate children's day - a great event to celebrate children of all ages - an event of freedom and joy, full self expression, creativity, play, and relaxation
and now i feel like all the activities are kind of done
and it's the perfect time to tie up loose ends, finish and complete details...
and to let this whole active part a bit aside... :)
on sunday, the three of us are leaving for an 8 days vacation at the seaside - we love the seaside and we can't wait to meet it again!!
we're planning just to let it be...
it happened by default anyway :D
the timing, the location, the money...- it all just fitted
so it is!!
and then, we'll see...
i have no idea what will come,
but i feel strangely ready to embrace it all...
not worried, not anxious, not even very curious...
just relaxed and with a weird feeling of confidence that we will be able to handle it - no matter what will be
because this is why it happened to US, because someone considers that WE are ready to face and deal with it....
so this is us...
this is our life...
grateful for what we have
Publicat de Mihaela la 6/09/2010 01:19:00 p.m. 0 comentarii